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Monday, February 25, 2013

Living with THE BRUTUS

Many thousands of people living in fear for their lives at every small sound or sudden movement they are catapulted into a life filled with many dangers and problems unheard of or even considering the other added presence of the National Guard and a whole troop of Green Berets to open a can of WHOOP ass on  a little City named Vancouver BC.The only thing standing in their way is little old ME and of course THE BRUTUS is always on call for a beat-down now let us get ready to rumble BABY We are waiting in heavy anticipation and baited breath.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


When naming my handsome baby boy I thought HE was a SHE so at first Penny so when naming Him I decided THE BRUTUS was much better than the alternative of Brutus His masculinity was on the line but looking back Now I can say he is all BOY!!I love him so much and when things happen like they did Today with Corey It seems like He takes over my place and the hairs on my back tingle when this happens because usually that is the case.I feel threatened in my own place so I think asking him to leave was the right thing to do.I like my life and like it the way it is arranged so when someone tries to take over temperature rises angered by my not telling him right away it bothered me because when I did he was joking around etc etc uncomfortability is no way to be!!